Common Methods To Kill Vibration In Machines

Any machine will produce some level of vibration. In most cases, movable parts are the main cause of vibration. If vibration is eliminated, then the efficiency of the machine can be improved. Making use of thermoplastic pads can help in cutting down vibrations to a greater extent.

• Machine vibrations can be produced by part oscillation in common

• Movable components of the machine should be perfectly insulated

• Vibrations can be seen in all types of machines like pumps and generators

In such machines, manufacturers may want to use the best vibration dampening techniques and solutions. Vibrations can be killed using the right technique in any mechanical or electrical system. Vibration-killing material and solutions must be effective in regulating the periodic motion of the movable machine parts.


Force identification

Before any vibration-killing methods can be put into place, it is important to identify the force that causes the vibration. Force is an important element in creating vibrations in machines. The force tends to rotate, move or rub two surfaces of the machine together.

These actions can produce a lot of heat and vibration. One of the best solutions is to try and reduce the effect of the force. The thermoplastic material can be used to make the movable parts of the machine. The same material can also be used as a pad in between two layers.

Mass addition

It is natural that if more mass is added, the vibration effect can be reduced to a greater extent. Even if the force input is the same, just by increasing the mass of the system, the vibration can be reduced or regulated.

This theory is true as per the second law stated by Newton. The same technique is used by the manufacturers of diesel engines and generator machines, which are created heavier in weight. This certainly is one of the most effective ways to control vibration.



Tuning is the method of cancelling out the vibration by regulating the amplitude of the vibration. You can also look around for thermoplastic composite material that is being used to cancel out the vibration frequency.

When tuning a machine, the technical person might try to adjust its vibration amplitude. This simple technique will help in regulating the resonance or oscillation of the machine. Pads made up of thermoplastic materials can also help in killing the resonance effects.

Isolation technique

Certainly, a specific part of the machine is always responsible for producing vibration. Once this part has been identified, it can be isolated to regulate vibration. If it is a rotating part of the machine, then pads act as a protective layer in isolating it from the main machine.


Springs and hydraulic systems also perform the same function. The thermoplastic material

can be used as padding material to eliminate friction in rubbing machine parts. Many other techniques help in controlling vibrations in a machine.

It is important to use the right technique that will help in controlling the vibration. If you manage to control and kill vibration effectively, then you can improve the performance of the machine as well. It also improves the life span of the machine.


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