The Advantages Of Using Frangible Ammunition Over Traditional Lead Bullets

Looking for a safer alternative to traditional lead bullets? Frangible ammunition could be the best choice. In this article, individuals will discover the benefits of using frangible bullets. Hunting and shooting enthusiasts have long preferred lead bullets, but they pose a serious threat to both human health and the environment. A safer option is frangible ammunition, which offers advantages including less ricochet and lead-free construction. What is Frangible Ammunition? A Frangible bullet is one that is designed to shatter upon collisions with a hard surface, such as a steel target or concrete wall. Unlike traditional Lead substitute , which can ricochet and cause harm to people or the environment, frangible bullets are made from materials such as copper, tin, or tungsten powder that are compressed into a solid form. When the bullet strikes a hard surface, it splits into little bits, lowering the danger of injury or damage. It is also lead-free, making it a more sec...