Get High Quality Compounds Better Than Traditional Materials For Ammunitions
Nowadays, there are many new technologies present in the market that are working on replacing the traditional high-density materials like lead, and other materials. There are many compounds that are a patented line of engineered thermoplastic composite materials designed to replace traditional materials. These compounds can be custom formulated to meet a wide range of customer requirements.
These compounds are good in balancing key properties such as density, tensile strength, impact strength, heat deflection temperature, moisture uptake, and more. These cannot be done by most metals or alloyed materials. These Compounds can be processed on typical thermoplastic equipment, including injection molding or compression molding presses in order to form parts and shapes that will satisfy customer demands that are high-strength, high-density, and moldable material.
? Different applications of these compounds in the ammunition industry:
Prices of these compounds vary that depends on physical properties like density, heat-deflection temperature, tensile strength, impact strength required and the quantity purchased. It can be sold in the range of approximately $2.00 to $30.00 USD per pound based on above mentioned two factors. There are different applications of these compounds in the industry. Some of them include
• These components can be used in frangible projectiles, weighting, and balancing
• Vibration Damping is also the application
• This can also be used in radiation shielding and lead replacement
? Frangible projectiles:
Frangible bullets are produced with composite materials of tungsten, copper, or tin utilizing an injection molding or powder metallurgical production process and not made from a lead projectile covered with a copper jacket. Frangible ammunition is designed in order to prevent ricochet risks and improve safety during close-quarters combat. It represents the first viable revolutionary change in the past 100 years to firearms science.
? Weighting And Balancing:
The high gravity compounds have added value to a large array of weighting and balancing applications that includes Nontoxic frangible projectile, Manual transmission shifter cartridge, Hub odometer, Instrument housing, Golf club weights, Inertia discs, Return weights and Casino Chips.
? Vibration Damping:
To get a material that is a viable vibration dampening solution, it should exhibit two qualities that include density and softness. Many companies have extensive experience and expertise with high-density materials and they have the ability to develop materials according to the customer’s specific application requirements that will help to deliver material solutions to their customers for practically any vibration dampening application.
? Radiation Shielding:
These compounds have replaced lead in numerous Radiation shielding materials applications that include Industrial x-ray shielding, Medical x-ray shielding, and temporary shielding at nuclear power plants. The three factors which determine the amount of radiation received from a source time of exposure are a time of exposure, distance from the source; and shielding.
? Lead Replacement:
In spite of its attractive properties and common usage, lead is a major environmental contaminant because it is toxic. There are limitations on the use of lead in unleaded gasoline, paint, and general exposure in the workplace. So, it is important to use an environmentally friendly lead replacement material that can be formed into complex shapes.

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