What Are The Different Uses Of Engineered Thermoplastics
Hardened or engineered plastics are a special thing. These high-performance and synthetic plastic materials are now an integral part of today’s daily life, and definitely finding more use in the future generations. These materials are so in demand because the wide range of usage they offer in various sectors and industries.
Types of thermoplastics
Thermoplastics are weldable plastic that can replace metal or ceramics in many cases. There are different types of thermoplastics having different properties and heating point, and they can be re-heated and reshaped making them the best recyclable option. Some of the many types of thermoplastics can be listed as:
• Polyethylene
• Polyvinyl chloride
• Polystyrene
• Acrylics
• Fluoropolymer
• Nylon
Engineered thermoplastics tend to be stronger and more rigid, and along with their lightweight quality, they are very much suitable for used as dependable materials in many industries.
Usages of engineered thermoplastics
Heat and pressure are two things that changes the shape of a plastic material and recycles it by molding into something else. Engineered thermoplastics are synthetic plastic material that are designed and mixed with other elements to change their chemical structure, making it perfect for the intended use.
These materials are our part of life as pointed out earlier, and some of the most common usages of different type of engineered thermoplastics can be pointed out as:
ABS thermoplastic
The lightweight and hardened capabilities of this kind of engineered thermoplastics makes them ultimate choice for making sports tools and children’s toys, along with many automobile parts.
Polycarbonate and Polyethylene
From storage containers to CD and DVDs, this type of thermoplastic finds it use everywhere in our daily life.This type of thermoplastic is as useful in making harmless shampoo bottles and grocery bags, as they are used in making bulletproof vests.
Most of us are familiar with this one as they are indispensable in making fire- and water-resistant pipes, coatings, containers and toys.
The transparent and sturdy and water-resistant quality of this material makes it perfect for making textile fibers, couplings, furniture and many more. This thermoplastic can be colored easily as well.
From making windows to helmet visors, this material can be used almost everywhere like in submarine viewing ports, aircraft windows, automobile exterior light lens and it is also used as bone cement and as eye lenses in medical industry.
From making simple binding cords to making fabrics and string of musical instruments, this product is used in multiple industries. This item is a very good substitute of various mechanical parts such as machine screws, power tool cashing and gear wheels.
This type of polymer thermoplastic is used in coating non-stick cookware and also finds it use in making containers as it is chemically inert. Tungsten polymer is used in making radioactive shielding in medical industry.
From industrial machine parts to sensitive medical equipment, engineered thermoplastic is part of our lives as it is a valued material because of its element resistance, re-usability and relative cheapness over other materials.

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