High-density plastics are the preferred material for producing lead-free ammunition (or “green ammo”) because they provide a better aerodynamic bullet that has superior ballistics. The bullets made from high-density plastic have high mass than a lead bullet of the same diameter. This means that they weigh high and hold more kinetic energy. These bullets are also streamlined and have a less frontal surface area which improves their ballistic coefficient, making them have less drag and better range and angle of ascent. Requirements to use high-density plastic for producing lead free ammunition In order to use high-density plastic to produce lead free ammunition , there are some requirements that must be met. First of all, the plastic has to be hard enough to be formed into a bullet shape. It also has to have enough strength to withstand the firing process. The plastic must also be able to withstand the heat generated by the burning of the gunpowder. This means that it mus...